Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011

Monday, July 4

Today has been a lot busier than the previous weekend - the graduates seem very enthusiastic about the possibility to drink "real, good coffee" and appreciate Julius Meinl's presence at Summer Splash 2011. We had more graduates for the internship casting as well as collected more and more napkins.

Sunday, July 3

Today the last groups arrived and the crew is ready for the final week of Summer Splash 2011. As already mentioned, this group seems to be a lot more quiet that the last weeks. However, they seem like they are more into coffee and prefer warm variatives. The graduates are also very active and participate in the Napkin Poetry competition and seem very eager to win a coffee machine from Julius Meinl. We have been using less coffee bags, however this can be explained by the fact that there are 1,300 students less this week. All in all, a rather quiet day, inside as well as on the beach and the pools - we guess, the students partied too hard last night :). We are ready for another busy days and eager to make delicious cups of Meinl coffee :)!

Saturday, July 2

Day of departure :( Unfortunately, Nicki and Manfred had to leave already - so did the second group of Summer Splash. Many graduates were waiting in the hotel lobby for their bus back to the airport. However, we still found some very motivated graduates who took part in the internship casting and the Napkin Poetry. The transition from "old" to new graduates happened more smoothly this time and you could tell that the second group was smaller. At the same time we noticed that this group was more into warm coffee specialities and heared about the Julius Meinl Poetry Café from their friends that have been on Summer Splash during the previous weeks. So far - so good: we are looking forward to "meinl" the last group of this huge event!

Friday, July 1

Again - as usual for the second week, a very busy day with lots of graduates enjoying Julius Meinl Coffee and being creative on the Napkin Poetry. However, not only are the graduates very creative and enthusiastic about Julius Meinl at the Poetry Café, but also outside the Café. We were lucky to capture this special Meinl moment with our phones:

Summarizing the second week of Summer Splash 2011 we would like to mention that this is was by far the busiest week, since Summer Splash was hosting 5,300 graduates in comparison to the first week where we had about 2,500. We were literally making coffee from 11 in the morning until the closing hour at 6pm. Moreover, we were able to find more graduates who were quite impressed by the possibility to do an internship with Julius Meinl and applied - very successful and creative. We tried to post a video of one of our favourites on the blog, but it did not seem to work out :( We will try again, hopefully with a better internet connection.

Later the same day, we could enjoy some time off together with Nicki and went jet-skiing - definitely an experience! At night we met Nicki and Manfred on the main floor and watched the performance of Culcha Candela together!

Thursday, June 30

What an awesome day - we got to share our experiences with Nicki and Manfred. Again we used 10 coffee bags and created decilicious cups of coffee for graduates, but also for the VIP guests, Michael Konsel to name one of them. Later that afternoon, the guys went outside on the beach to see the Masters of Dirt show which was very impressive. At the same time we had some very productive graduates working on the Poetry Wall and the Napkin Poetry competition.

At night, we met Nicki again on the Cruise Missile and enjoyed some sun and talks with the other VIPs and the Splash Line staff. They told us how much they enjoyed having Julius Meinl at Summer Splash and that it has become a real great success.

Wednesday, June 29

It has been crazy busy recently and we are a bit late with the latest blog posts. Wednesday we were again very busy - this trend continued throughout the whole second week of Summer Splash. We have been very excited all day about the arrival of Nicki and could not wait to see him in the evening and to tell him about our experiences at the Julius Meinl Poetry Café.

Early this morning we did a little photo shoot with a Julius Meinl cup and captured some very nice moments on the beach.

Julius Meinl everywhere - even in Turkey at Summer Splash 2011!

Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011

Tuesday, June 28

What a busy day - again we have been making coffee non-stop from 11:00 until 18:00 (actually we went beyond 18:00) and the line reached even until the door (meaning at least 20 people waiting for a coffee). Again we went through almost 10 coffee bags and also our marketing initiatives are becoming more attractive: we got lots of new Poetry stickers on the wall and the napkin box has been filling too.
We are very excited to see Nicolaus tomorrow for the Partner weekend and to share our experiences and impressions of this project with him "live".